Behind the scenes
"The Chibchas or Muiscas lived in a fertile valley surrounded by hills and crystal clear rivers. They fed on hunting and fishing and they did not lack sustenance. During a very strong drought, the animals began to die and the rivers to dry up. Piraca he was a young chibcha who lived with his wife and their two small children, he had always been able to bring food for his family, but now he felt despondent with hunger and did not know how to get food, his wife reminded him of the bright green stones and the grains of gold that the children collected in the river when they accompanied him on his hunts (...) Piraca left carrying the stones in a leather bag and walked for several days, finally overcome by fatigue and hunger he lay down to take a nap. While he was sleeping, a large black bird approached him and took his skin bag. Piraca woke up scared and watched sadly as the stones and gold fell from the animal's claws and were lost in the field. Desperate he is burst into tears (...). At that moment an old man with white beards appeared to him and said: 'I am Bochica, the god of your grandparents, come back in four moons and you will find a treasure more valuable than your jewels, not only for you, but for your people.' Piraca obeyed Bochica and returned home empty-handed.
Upon reaching the small valley where Piraca had lost his stones, they saw a whole field sown with green plants, shiny and silky like emeralds, crowned with brilliant plumes (...) shine in the distance. Inside the cocoon were hidden hundreds of gold grains that shone in the sun. Piraca understood that Bochica once again rewarded his people with corn, a plant that grew from gold and emeralds."
Myth 'Corn, a gift from God Bochica'
This memory of a landscape that remains marked in my memory is what gave life to this project. All this materialized in the moodboard of the project, which was built with images of that trip that I made and also images of Luis Alfredo Domínguez, a Momposiono photographer who dedicates a large part of his life to recording Mompox and encouraging tourism to this town. .
I continued to find a craftsman I could work hand in hand with to start this project. In this way I arrived in Cucunubá, Cundinamarca and began to work with the horizontal loom artisan William Contreras in a material exploration in wool. But due to time issues and the need for a lot of space to try and fail in this project, we decided to set out with many material tests in hand and nice learning in his technique. After this, I arrived in Chia, Cundinamarca to meet Lucia Aguirre, a crochet artisan who worked in her house. I fell in love with the detail, the organic shapes and the transparency that it generated in the tablecloths that I had because they reminded me a lot of those forges that I saw in Mompox. Thus, I began to work with her in this stage of material exploration, which was very fruitful for both her and me because we were learning together along the way and thus we reached the final 5 material explorations of this project made with the final color palette. .
Aba hace referencia a diferentes partes del mito “El maíz, regalo del dios Bochica” para que el público pueda vivirlo por medio de una experiencia gastronómica en este restaurante-chichería. En primera instancia, se encuentra el acceso al restaurante conformado por una gran puerta de latón con acabado en tumbaga, que por medio de grabados da a conocer el mito completo. Al atravesar la puerta se llega a un vestíbulo que representa la sequía presente en la primera parte del mito.
Posteriormente, hay un jardín cubierto que representa el lugar en el que Pícara tomó su siesta, en donde los comensales pueden esperar en unas sillas al aire libre donde puedan esperar mientras se les asigna una mesa en el restaurante.En esta zona se encuentra el camino que lleva al restaurante, el cual se encuentra dentro de un tambo inspirado en el templo del sol muisca. Este espacio representa la cosecha de maíz por medio de colores como el verde y el amarillo. Además, las mesas circulares hacen referencia al sentido de comunidad y de compartir que se generaba en los espacios de comida muiscas. En la parte trasera, está ubicada la chichería donde se puede disfrutar de distintas bebidas en la barra o en las mesas redondas delimitadas por módulos hechos en fibra de maíz ubicadas al aire libre.
Dentro de nuestro programa de sostenibilidad, contamos con dos procesos principales: la reutilización del amero del maíz y la reutilización del agua. Le damos una segunda vida a las hojas del maíz por medio de nuestro programa de aprovechamiento de fibras naturales. Este se compone de la parte de maceración seguido de un remojo y, finalmente, se mezcla con un aglutinante para formar una masa. Con esta masa se forman unas láminas las cuales, al secar, se utilizan para crear desde nuestros portavasos hasta los empaques en los cuales nuestros comensales pueden llevar su comida o llevar su chicha. El otro ámbito de sostenibilidad es un sistema de recolección de aguas lluvias por medio de su cubierta principal cónica,la cual al recibir las precipitaciones estas son dirigidas por medio de ductos canal hasta un tanque que se encarga de almacenar el agua lluvia proveniente de las cubiertas.Desde el tanque y por medio de unos filtros, el agua es pasada a una motobomba la cual redirige esta misma ya iltrada de residuos sólidos o arenosos hacia los distintos usos en los cuales este tipo de agua puede ser utilizada como lo son: el riego de las zonas verdes y vegetación del restaurante por medio los aspersores de bajo calibre, el mantenimiento de las zonas duras por medio de mangueras conectadas a tuberías provenientes del tanque de aguas lluvias y, finalmente, el uso más predominante que es la utilización del agua en el sistema hidrosanitario en el cual los tanques de los inodoros son cargados con el agua proveniente de nuestro sistema de recolección sostenible
de aguas lluvia.
Afiche del proyecto
I invite you to look at this Sketchbook of the project. Here record the entire process; both conceptual and construction of the fabric from its sample stage to the final piece.
Here they found the 'Diarios de los Artesanos' that were made at the beginning of the project. Where the exercise of entering a little more deeply into the life of the artisans and in the practice of their trades was carried out.